Wednesday, September 8, 2010


I have a file I use with just about everyone I talk to. In this file there is, as I always describe it as having, "A deepening trigger, an awakening trigger, and a suggestion trigger". That third one is the one that is both hardest to pin down, but the most important to make clear. In the file, it is a trigger called "I command..." and basically you have to do anything I suggest that follows those words. I manly use it for some basic tests, because I assume with a trigger that flimsy, the suggestions would only go so deep. After those basic tests to see what sticks, what doesn't, as well as what the person likes, and things they don't like, I assume we can then have a full session on that subject, and everyone is happy.

However, that is not what has happened once or twice, happening most recently yesterday.

After giving the person the file, and file description, they went off to listen to it. Upon finally hearing back from her, she said that trigger could be used to lure them into my submission forever, and I broke their trust, and blocked me.

Is this my fault? Should I have made things more clear? I assume that the trigger is not weak enough to even do the things they claimed, but I do see where the fears come from, even though making slaves is the furthest thing away from my mind.

Should I chalk this up to someone being oversensitive, or should I make some kind of warning from now on about my file, and the plan I have for the person? I don't normally like to plan too far ahead till we have talked for a while, so I can see if I like the person. but if I am making a bad first impression with my file, will they even want to talk to me? What do you think?


Here is the link

A version without an awaken at the end


  1. My opinion? Command is a harsh strong word. It can imply a whole lot, and for some people, is not something they want to hear in their first file, especially if they are defensive or wary about trance. Now truthfully, it is a little bit of an overreaction, but a lighter work could relieve some of the tension. Perhaps "Now listen to my words and...", "Could you..." or humorously, "Would you be so kind as to...". I realize you use i command in your play, and it is fun and easy, but a handful of people will raise their guard against these words.

  2. You cannot please everyone. Although some may look at the word as a negative, I think there are just as many if not more people that will appreciate the word command. After all, during hypnosis you are as it should be the "commanding" voice. The word command is powerful and authoritative and used appropriately. I wouldn't change a thing. Only my opinion... Steve

  3. I do think "command" is the right word to use for a first test as it is obvious and open.
