Wednesday, April 14, 2010

School is Important!

Dear Everyone,

Hey there, it is Frost, that lovable hypnotist. As most of you know I am 21 and in college, and I wanted you all to know this quarter has some quite early classes. Normally I am pretty good at getting up in time for them, but quite a few things have happened that is making this more difficult. I live much further away so I have to get up even earlier for a long drive, I have no time for breakfast which would help keep me awake, and of course the most boring classes are the ones that need me to get up at 7:45am which just put me back to sleep once I get there. Luckily it is pretty early in the quarter, so I want to solve this problem by getting more sleep. This means I must sacrifice late night hypnosis sessions and talking. From now on, I am trying to do my best to get offline by 11PST, with the absolute shut off being 11:30pst. This gives me enough time to talk with my friends, and anything beyond that is just pointless because the energy could be used much better in the next day. I'll try and do this myself, but if you see me on at 11pm, or I am talking to you at 11pm, feel free to ask why I am not offline yet :) . I never mind a suggestion to head out, in fact it makes it easier cause then I know people are caring about my well being. Also if I am talking to you and have to leave, always remember it is just for my education, and has nothing to do with you. Hopefully this will work out well for everyone, just as long as I stick to my plan like I should. Thanks for taking time to read this, and hopefully talk to you all soon!


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