Sunday, June 6, 2010

Tip Jar is filling

First of all, I want to say thank you to all the people that have giving me tips. It always brightens up my day for me to think that you really enjoyed it so deeply, and don't mind showing it. Every tip is going to my Japan trip fund, which is coming up in July! So only have one more month of tip collecting, then the tips are going towards a different goal.

Second, I want to apologize if any of you think I am asking too much for tips. The trip is coming up very soon, and the more I have saved up, the less I have to worry. I really don't want to have to charge for online service, and love it being free for all. So think of each tip as not only a tip, but a donation to keep what I am doing free. I doubt I could ever charge for online sessions, but just know that you keep it even further away.

So thanks again for all the help, and I'll try and come back from Japan with tons of Pictures to share with everyone so you can see how awesome a time I had, and how you helped make it possible! See you soon

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PS if you are having trouble sending money directly, try using the instant payment below, thought takes out a small fee :(

Tip Amounts

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